HotfitnessmodelsCom Is Developing A Program To Face Anorexia And Help More Models Around The World
Released on: March 10, 2008, 3:21 pm
Press Release Author: Benjamin Avery
Industry: Healthcare
Press Release Summary: A long term study has proven that the number of women facing issues regarding Anorexia has dramatically increased these last years.
Press Release Body: The well known site HotFitnessModels has decided to begin a program in order to make models in the UK and around the world to realize that Anorexia is not just a simple eating disorder but a threat to life itself. That is what Tom Carson, psychology team leader, stated quite clear, "We are aware of the several issues that induce models to get involved with anorexia, and we are going to deal with this issue seriously and straightforward."
Anorexia is widely known as an eating disorder that affects mostly young people. Mainly convince them that no matter how skinny they are, they still feel that they are with overweight. Individuals suffering from anorexia have an extreme weight loss rate, which is obtained by excessive exercise, laxatives and by not eating at all.
There are many symptoms regarding anorexia, some individuals may not experience all of them. These symptoms include: Body weight that is inconsistent with age, build and height (usually 15% below normal weight).
Some other symptoms regarding anorexia are:
. Loss of at least 3 consecutive menstrual periods (in women). . Not wanting or refusing to eat in public . Anxiety . Weakness . Brittle skin . Shortness of breath . High level of obsession regarding calorie intake
According to Paul Keith, Marketing Consultant, HotFitnessModels is now making a serious participation in this journey to face anorexia. Mr. Keith stated, "I realize that we have a duty, we are aware of our fast growing number of visitors these last years and we want to take advantage of it, by making more people aware of this threat called anorexia."
If you would like more information, please feel free to contact us at
Web Site:
Contact Details: London, England, W1 T2JZ 07759753416
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